Checklist to help you collect the documents for your tax return

The checklist below is ideal for new and existing clients and can be used as a brief guide, to help you collect the documents we will need from you to complete your tax return. By providing us with the required documents in advance, you ensure that you won’t miss any deductions or income and you help us complete your tax return in a timely manner.

Some purchases you may consider
Books and Trade Journals
Briefcases/luggage or suitcases
Calculators or electronic organisers
Electronic tablets
Union fees
Subscriptions to trade, professional or business associations
Seminars and conferences (including details of travel and days away)
Depreciation of library, tools, business equipment (incl. portion of home computer)

Home office running expenses
Cooling and heating
Depreciation of office furniture
Telephone and internet

Home office running expenses
Total hours your worked from home (including from to dates and total hours)

Self-education expenses
Course fees (but not HELP repayments)
Student Union fees
Tutorial fees
Interest on borrowings used to pay for any deductible self-education expenses
Bring forward purchases of stationery and text books (i.e., those which are not required to be depreciated).

Other expenses
Income protection insurance (excluding death and total/permanent disability).
Gifts or donations

Rental property

Yearly Rental Statement from the real estate agent
Council Rates
Strata Levy (if applicable)
Interest on loan
Land Tax (if applicable)
Water Rates
Repair and maintenance paid by the owner (not the agent)
Depreciation Schedule for the property

Overseas Shares: Details of overseas dividend income including any tax paid
Shares in Australia: Any dividend paid documents and documents that confirm sale of shares during the year

Medicare (if applicable)
Information on Residency Status for potential Medicare exemption

Work from Home (if applicable)

Record of the total number of actual hours worked from home.*

*From 1 March 2023 – You need to keep a record of the total number of actual hours worked from home. This effectively means that you will need to make a record (e.g., a diary entry) of the number of hours worked from home on each occasion that you worked from home. Also refer to our sample working from home diary, that could be used for this purpose.

Cropped Fehons.pngExample working from home diary