Firm News

Happy 90th Birthday Joan

Aug, 2023

Last week the Fehons Family celebrated a very special Birthday for one of our senior accountants, Miss Joan Mangan.

Joan is an exceptional case of a non-ageing individual that she keeps glowing and being professionally active despite her age. We are so blessed to have her wisdom and presence here at Fehons. She has a wealth of knowledge and life experiences that make her an invaluable asset for a small business like Fehons.

Since she joined our team, she contributed to the development of the emotional intelligence of our team which is aged- diverse starting from 21-year-old young employees to Miss Joan’s age! Her resilience is an excellent example that also brings resilience to our team!

Thank you so much for the love you give to us and our families!

Keep Going and God bless you!!

From all at Fehons

Aug, 2023

Are you feeling the squeeze?

Oct, 2023

Essential bookkeeping practices for start-ups